Winning World Cup Tactics w/ Morrissey

I counted them all out and I counted them all back. England fans in Russia for the World Cup must be prepared for any eventuality. If things turn out as expected and the tournament is a boisterous affair, understanding simple guard techniques might be very useful. All-in-Fighting for Gentlemen has tips for assuming an appropriate defensive stance and demeanour, but Morrissey might lead us to exactly what's needed.

Morrissey's Boxers
Here we see Morrissey sporting an Edith Sitwell T-shirt — Edith was the inventor of rap music — and using the biggest teapot you might ever see ― not his travel teapot — to entertain the great Sinéad O'Connor. Don't be fooled. He's ready to assume a southpaw stance at any moment.

Morrissey's obsession with boxing fed into his music for a while. One can safely assume he understands the basic boxing drills and combinations.

Boxing Foundations

You might remember John 'Cornelius' Carr from the video for Morrissey's plangent Boxers.

Cornelius is a former boxing champ who offers an excellent online boxing foundation course through SneakPunch and a boxing-themed workout regimen through Fight Yourself Fit.

The benefits of boxing training
Cornelius feels that starting from a solid foundation in the basics, 'everyone can benefit from boxing training, no matter what their skill or fitness level'.

Here, Cornelius demonstrates three basic guard techniques which will serve well in Russia should you be enjoying a beer and suddenly a plastic chair flies past your head.

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