Francisco's Teba Recommendations

Following the piece on Burgos of Madrid, Spanish reader and Teba jacket enthusiast Francisco has provided a few helpful recommendations for those wishing to obtain a Teba. Thanks Francisco.

Justo Gimeno of Zaragoza

Francisco regards Justo Gimeno of Zaragoza as a very traditional place for Tebas. He believes Justo is a 'friend and collaborator' of Burgos, Madrid.

It just so happens that Justo Gimeno produce the woollen navy Teba jackets sold by Last of England (top).

Bel y Cia (1842) of Barcelona

Francisco also recommends Bel y Cia of Barcelona. You see a summer-style Teba of theirs in the picture above.

Francisco has been in possession of a couple of their Teba jackets for over ten years, and they are still in great condition.

Though he regards the quality on a par, he feels there are subtle differences between the Barcelona style of Teba from Bel Y Cia and the Madrid style from Burgos. The Barcelona style is more cardigan-like. (Or is it more jacket-like?) Best try one of each.


  1. Many thanks Tweedy! It is my pleasure to be mentioned in your blog. Another website to see amazing pictures of the Justo Gimeno version is "The Armoury", an amazing shop in Hong Kong that sells fine brands such as Abbeyhorn, Drakes, John Smedley, Lock and Ettinger.

  2. Another option is the Lopez Aragon Teba. A bit cheaper than Burgos, vastly less expensive than Bel and a more modern interpretation of the classic Teba style. It retains the ultra-soft construction, notch-less lapel and shirt cuffs but adds )optional) side vents, open quarters and a three, rather than four button front. Hugely popular on the Spanish menswear forums but not particularly well known outside of Spain. I have model below in a bottle-green Drago hopsack - made to measure and delivered to my door for €360.

    1. Thanks James. That's a really nice jacket. I will investigate Lopez Aragon. Best wishes, Tweedy.


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