Christmas Stocking Filler - Carl Auböck Paperweight

Foot Paperweight

The countdown to Christmas has begun. In order to facilitate more traffic to our humble organ, I'm going to fire off a number of ideas for Christmas stocking fillers this week. Do let me know if you have any other ideas for manly gifts we would all enjoy.

First up is this splendid paperweight, a modernist wonder from the archives of Bauhaus alumni Carl Auböck of Vienna. The family-run Auböck workshop is still located in Bernardgasse 23, Vienna.

Put your foot down on all that unruly correspondence. And if an aunt is being particularly irritating over Christmas, it could serve as a very effective bludgeon in the manner of Tom Ripley's efficient dispatching of Freddie Miles. Actually, it might be a wee bit small for that — best use some lead piping.


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