Tracklements Fig Relish

Stunning Fig Relish

Picnic season is almost upon us. So much more genteel than a barbecue - they're for savages, surely? And if you're thinking of  loading up on soft cheeses for your picnic, chaps, then you'll need some of this stuff:  Fig Chutney from Tracklements of Wiltshire, England. A sterling piece of work, a relish to cherish. Try this award-winning relish it with goat's cheese and you will never be the same again. As Thackeray once said, "Next to excellence is the appreciation of it."

Napkins Prevent Tragedies

For any picnic, you will need a decent napkin to stop the relish dropping on your cream linen suit. Perhaps a pure linen buttonhole napkin that fastens to your shirt? Purple and Fine, another Wiltshire company, sell just the thing.


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