Breakfast at Tweedy's - Arbroath Smokies

Breakfast like a King

Breakfast like a king they say and could a king do better than a breakfast of Arbroath smokies and hot buttered toast? I know you know the answer.

Picture that well-earned weekend breakfast. You're wearing your best pyjamas and house coat, you're clutching your favourite morning read (perhaps The Economist with a Commando Comic tucked inside it) and you're favourite jazz vocalist is playing low in the background on your Revo Heritage (Made in Scotland). The scene is now ideally set for you to sit down to a plate of these smoked wonders. Afterwards, you can tell people how divinely and utterly happy you are.

Arbroath Smokies - Gobbling Food Heritage

Arbroath smokies are fillets of smoked haddock (kippers are generally smoked herring). The Arbroath smokie has EC Protected Geographical Status, which means that only haddock smoked using traditional methods within a five-mile radius of Arbroath can use the name ‘Arbroath smokie'.

But you don't have to live in Angus, Scotland, to appreciate them. Ian R. Spink Original Smokies - a smokie producer based correctly in Arbroath - is able to despatch them around the UK. We should be grateful to Ian for keeping this delicious part of our food heritage available to us.


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