Tweed Pig Pin-Up - Victorian Cigarette Suit Man

Anonymous Victorian Man in Cigarette Suit

We're persevering with the Tweed Pig Pin-up series, you may or may not be glad to hear. This time we're going for someone who is long dead and we know nothing about. A tough proposition you might think, but take a close look at the man's dress. That's right. He's wearing a suit made of cigarette packets. On many levels, we thought, that makes him a good candidate.

About the Photo

The photo is of a Victorian man, of seemingly humble means, posing with a bicycle at the back of a terraced house. I've had this photo for many years now and I don't know anything about it. I guess he's dressed for a celebration, something like May Day. Imagine the scene of him riding his bicycle dressed in the suit, his English moustache fluttering in the wind. What can we see in those eyes?  Pride?  Amusement?


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