Greenall's London Dry Gin - British Spirit

Greenall's Gin is 250 this Year

Right now we're in the middle of my gin season, which begins at the end of June and ends when the chill autumn winds have blown the last vestiges of Summer away. A nice gin and tonic is so very refreshing in the heat.

G&J Greenall celebrate their 250th anniversary this year, so we're using their own London Dry Gin, in its special-edition bottle, to toast the fact. Lovely-looking bottle design, with the green Union flag effect. The botanicals in this gin include "wild Tuscan juniper, subtle Moroccan coriander, sweet Chinese liquorice and zesty Spanish lemons," - blended to create something uniquely British.

As part of Greenall's celebration, their Great British Spirit competition asks readers to vote for legendary Britons and great British moments. There's everything from Churchill's stirring "we shall fight on the beaches" speech to the invention of the cardboard box. Ahem, nothing about that Great British moment when The Tweed Pig began.

Original in all that we do, respecting our history and harnessing the passion of our people, G&J Greenall crafts distinctive and enchanting brands that delight customers - G&J Greenall


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