Kent Brushes - Good for Baldies

All Hair Types

Long hair, short hair, no hair? Kent Brushes have the brushes for you. Yes, even if you have no hair on your head, there are always the clothes brushes for your worsted. Old Tweedy's a short-back-and-sides man, clean-cut, so the classic brush and comb combination works for me. (We'll cover shaving brushes another time.)
Redcoats could have packed Kent combs
I'm always amazed that there are companies still in existence that can date back as far as 1777, as Kent does. Redcoats could have packed Kent combs on their way to fight in the American revolution. The mind boggles. I go on about how these heritage brands are more celebrated abroad, and I know it's not the British way, but we really should be shouting about these companies and feel extremely proud of their longevity and the quality of the products they produce. Go into Boots today and buy a Kent comb, your hair deserves it and so do Kent - you're buying a bit of history.


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